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React v0.13.2

April 18, 2015 by Paul O’Shannessy

Yesterday the React Native team shipped v0.4. Those of us working on the web team just a few feet away couldn’t just be shown up like that so we’re shipping v0.13.2 today as well! This is a bug fix release to address a few things while we continue to work towards v0.14.

The release is now available for download:

We’ve also published version 0.13.2 of the react and react-tools packages on npm and the react package on bower.


React Core

New Features

  • Added strokeDashoffset, flexPositive, flexNegative to the list of unitless CSS properties
  • Added support for more DOM properties:

    • scoped - for <style> elements
    • high, low, optimum - for <meter> elements
    • unselectable - IE-specific property to prevent user selection

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a case where re-rendering after rendering null didn’t properly pass context
  • Fixed a case where re-rendering after rendering with style={null} didn’t properly update style
  • Update uglify dependency to prevent a bug in IE8
  • Improved warnings

React with Add-Ons

Bug Fixes

  • Immutabilty Helpers: Ensure it supports hasOwnProperty as an object key

React Tools

  • Improve documentation for new options
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